Jason Joyce
September 6, 2012 | Chalk Talk | Jason Joyce

It Takes A Lot Of Beer

An old but true adage.  So much so that the good people up in Santa Rosa even produced a beer in it's honor.  Well, actually they claim it takes "great beer" to make great wine.  I hope that's not true, because Rory and Nacho brought in a twelver of these today:

   This is the old standby of harvest.  Mainly because you can buy it the same time you are filling propane tanks, getting tractor diesel, or grabbing some tri-tip sandwhiches down at Cregor's.  I'm not a fan of this, actually I'm quite anti- this beer.  Although I'll tip my hat to the Budweiser Don Draper types who thought up the "Superior Drinkability" tag line, I'd put "Marketing You Can Taste" myself.  It did at least remind me of a wonderful aspect of harvest though, the time of year. The NFL logo tells you that harvest coincides with high school, college, and pro football kicking into gear.  But best of all, the pennant races and playoffs (Are we in store for another epic harvest like 2010?) of America's pastime.  This all helps create the context of the harvest.  And so be it if I have to drink a few nasty BL's to realize fall is on the way. 


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